1 Peter 4:4, “Of course, your former friends will be very surprised when you don’t eagerly join them anymore in the wicked things they do, and they will laugh at you in contempt and scorn.”
Genuine Christianity is willing to pay the price of rejection, because the truly redeemed person knows well that one day he must stand before the Judge of the living and the dead. Your former life may have involved all types of ungodly deeds, but through the wonderful grace of the Lord God, you have been redeemed and saved out of that life and lifestyle. Don’t be surprised that your friends don’t understand. Don’t even be surprised if they laugh at you for your new life and nature. Ungodly people have been laughing at Christians through the ages, and it will continue to take place until the Lord comes for His children. Count it a badge of honor if you suffer for your walk with God, for in due time He will honor your faithful devotion unto Him…that is His promise.