You Will Smile Again

The valleys of life are often sometimes deeper and darker that we could dare ever have imagined. You find yourself facing a loss of a loved one. A tragedy strikes your heart, and you feel as though you will never be able to live life again, let alone smile again. Yet, in those times and those moments, God is there with us, and He lovingly, carefully, and compassionately brings others alongside our lives to love us, and minister to us in ways that defy your human understanding. They sit with us, cry with us, hurt with us, and agonize with us. They bear our grief, hurt and loss in love and mercy. Then something amazing and wonderful happens, there is a day where the sun of God’s joy comes back to our heart. Something happens, and we find ourselves “laughing” for the first time in a long time. What has happened? God has held us tight in His hands, and He has caused us to smile once again. May we never forget that no matter what we face in life, our Father will be there and minister to us, in ways known only to Him and His wonderful glory.