1 Peter 1:6, “So be truly glad! There is a wonderful joy ahead, even though the going is rough for a while down here.”
The call of God to each person who is redeemed is to look to the future, and remember that there is a real heaven, a real peace, and a real paradise awaiting us. If these were not so, God has lied, Scripture is untrue, and we can be certain of nothing. But the fact is God remains always true, and there is a peace and rest for the people of God. Since we live in a world that is under the control of the “prince and power of the air”, we ought to expect rough times now. Yet, the time will come when all sin, wickedness will be dealt with by God, and the “joy ahead” will be “joy…now”. Whatever trial you are facing will “come to pass”. Anchor your heart in the truth that there is “joy ahead” and it will enable you to face the rough times today with joy as a soldier of Jesus Christ.