God’s Plan for a Flourishing Life, Part 1

The divine plan of God is that we live full of energy and be flourishing with a passion to obey Him, serve Him, walk with Him all the days of our lives. Sadly there are many that would say…does His pattern work today. The Bible makes it clear that God has a plan for flourishing, abundance and His blessing that work, and they work throughout time.
Consider what the Bible says about Moses in Deuteronomy 34:7, “Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyesight was perfect and he was as strong as a young man.” (LB) The King James puts it this way. “Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eyes were not dim nor his natural force abated”. (Deut. 34:7)
Get the picture…God’s servant Moses is now 120 years of age, and getting ready to walk home to be with the Lord. Yet his strength is like that of a young man’s and he has been fruitful, flourishing all the days of his life. The truth is, God does have a plan for our lives to flourish and experience His abundance. But, that plan is not found in the world, not found in drugs, but found from the eternal Word of God. Jesus own words are this, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (Jn. 10:10).
The reality is, God placed us in this world, and He placed us here to live abundantly all the days of our lives, until He calls us home. In reading Psalms 92, one thing is abundantly clear, there is a difference in a righteous person than the average person. In this psalm the righteous person is compared to two types of trees. One is a date palm that grows to 90 ft. (plus) and the other, the cedar of Lebanon which reaches 120 feet, and is 40 ft in circumference.
In verse 14, is the reality that there is flourishing, and bringing forth fruit in “old age”. In other words, godly, righteous people, though they age, are flourishing with life, and serving the Lord until that day the Lord calls them home. But what are the secrets to a life that is flourishing with God’s abundance? The answers are found in this psalm.