God’s Plan for a Flourishing Life, Part 2

Would you describe your life as one that is filled with vitality and one that is flourishing before the Lord? The sobering reality of each of our lives is that, “our lives are but a vapor”. In truth, our span on this earth us fleeting like vapor…here one minute and gone the next.
However, God has not designed us to merely “exist” but He desires that in this one life that He has given us that we live flourishing in every dimension of life You recall, Jesus said that His very desire for our lives is that they be lives characterized by “abundance”. The very word that Jesus used for “abundance” literally means “superabundance”, “superior”, “excessive”, “beyond measure”.
Simply put, Jesus very words are that our lives would be characterized as lives be characterized as lives that are “beyond measure, excessive, super abundance” for the Lord God. And as you look at his godly men and women through Scripture, it is clear their lives were filled with vim, vigor, vitality and fruitfulness, until death.
Moses had the strength of a young man at 120 years of age. Paul declared that his fight had been faithful to the finish, and his life was one filled with fruit for the Lord God. Our Heavenly Father didn’t give us life, and put us on this earth to merely exist. He hasn’t changed from the creation of the world, and His yearning is that your life be characterized by “abundance”. But the sobering reality of our world is that we are living in a sick generation, physically and spiritually. The very life of Jesus, though He knew the cross was His place of destiny, was a life filled with joy, tranquility, and abundance. Since that was the life of Jesus, that is the life He desires for all those who follow Him. Sadly, however, so many believers are “merely existing” because they have never come to realize that God wants for them “vitality and abundance”.