God’s Plan for a Flourishing Life, Part 3

When you open and read God’s Word, do you read God’s word with the deep realization that He loves you and has nothing but His divine best for you? Or do you read God’s Word with “fear” thinking that God is out to jump on you, and “get you” for one thing or the other. Sadly the latter is the way many people read the Word of God, therefore they never realize the many wonders that their Loving God has in store for them….one of those being a life lived to the brim with vitality and fruitfulness.
God’s very Word declares this wonderful truth, “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like the cedar in Lebanon….They shall still bring forth fruit in old ages: they shall be fat and flourishing” Ps. 92:12,14 KJV. Put in more contemporary words here is the divine truth. “But the godly shall flourish like palm trees and grow tall as the cedars of Lebanon. Even in old age they will produce fruit and be vital and green. Ps.92:12,14 LB.
The reality of the eternal Word of God declares that He has declared His divine way that we can stay young and fruitful all the days of our lives…else He would not have penned it in His Word. Yet, sadly, many people are missing out, by turning to medicines, drugs, oriental religions that have nothing to do with the Living God, and the end result is a life that is “meager” at best.
Since God created us, and gave us life, by His holy and loving nature, He wants for our lives, His abundance and His blessings, and His plan is not temporary but eternal. When He created the very first man, God placed them in His Garden with His best, and His nature has not changed. For God cannot change. He nature is “changeless”. The serious issue that we face is this…are we doing those things outlined in His word that lead to being young and fruitful.
The truth is you can discover God’s plan for “remaining young in spirit and fruitful” in His Word, and by looking at godly men who followed His plan.