How to Remove Your Troubles

Wouldn’t you love to be able to see troubles vanish away from your life, and be gone? Would you love to awaken tomorrow to a new type of life, that is a life of joy, and not a life of trouble? While we are going to face certain troubles in life…it is one thing to face a few troubles here and there, than facing momentary, daily troubles. If you would like to see troubles removed and eradicated from your life, listen carefully to this message this morning, for this very well may be the morning that you realize that you are living with certain troubles possibly for years, that God Almighty never intended. They simply are there because of certain habits, patterns of behavior that you have developed that the Lord will deal with if you let him. Before we can learn from Scripture how to biblically remove many of the troubles in our lives, there are some sobering facts that we must face.