Missing Thanksgiving

It has been said, that the world can be divided into two groups of people: those who say “thank you and those who don’t. Evidently the group that does not say thank you is much larger than the group that does. At least this was true in the ministry of Jesus. On one occasion he healed ten helpless lepers. Of the ten that received the merciful gift of healing, only one returned to express gratitude. It would seem that that might be pretty close to the average in every generation – one out of ten will have a grateful heart. One minister touched on the challenge of thanksgiving when he prayed this prayer, “O Lord as you know very well, here we are again. We are here to do one of the hardest things any mortal can do-to give thanks and really mean it.”There are some sobering truths that we can learn from these lepers as 90 % of them “missed thanksgiving”.