Our Resurrected Body

Someday in the timing of God, it is going to happen! If you go down in death, you will rise to a wonderful glorious body, if you are redeemed by the blood of Christ. The fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, is an announcement to the world then and now that all who believe in Jesus Christ will rise from the dead. Imagine for just a moment, that moment and time in God’s economy when all the sainted dead rise and are reunited with their soul in a wonderful glorious body given them from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yet, there were those in the days of Paul that were asking the question in the day of Paul was this, “How can the dead be raised?” (v. 35). Because in truth many of them thought about the same type of body getting up from the dead that went down into death. Imagine the horror of such a thought, a person rising from the dead with raggedy clothes, coming out of the tomb! That is by no means a glorious thought. Others held that there was no way possible to rise from the dead. This was the belief of the Sadducees. They believed in no resurrection from the dead.
To many in the days of Paul there were different beliefs. There was the belief that a person could not rise from the dead. There was also the belief that you rose with the exact same body when you were resurrected. The truth of Scripture in the Word of God announces that there is resurrection from the dead.