Resurrection Truths

What makes this day so special in the heart of those of us who are genuine believers? What marks Easter from any other day? From Thanksgiving? Or even Christmas. Because this very day is a reminder to every single genuine believer in Christ that this life is not all that there is. The truth is, you can’t be a Christian apart from believing genuinely in the Resurrection of Christ form the death. The Bible makes it clear in Roman 10:9-10, that believing God raised Jesus from the dead is essential to salvation.
However, just like the days of Paul and Corinth, there are thousands today that deny the importance of the resurrection of Christ. As a matter of fact, there may have been those in the church then that didn’t really consider the resurrection of Christ that essential. But the fact is if there is no resurrection of Christ, then mankind remains in his sins. When you stop to think about it, in every person there is an anticipation of a world after this world is over. You can look at the ancient songs of Babylon, the tombs of the Pharaohs and Egyptian culture and much more, and they all had within them a realization that there is a world after this world is over. Even the way that they would embalm their dead in Egyptian times, they were in hopes of an eternity somewhere. While we live in world that denies the resurrection of Christ, there are truths about the resurrection that we need to understand as the people of God.