Spiritual Gifts: The Gift of Leadership

It is God that has redeemed us, saved us and given us eternal life that will never end through the life of His precious Son, Jesus Christ. It is God that will someday call us home to glory by His mighty power. It is God that has forgiven us and cleansed us of all unrighteousness. Since God has done so much for us, it is only our “reasonable” and “logical” service to give our lives to Him. All throughout the church age, God has given His saints gifts. Gifts are given to glorify God and to fulfill our God given purpose. There is the gift of prophecy, teaching, serving, ministering, exhorting and giving. But the gifts don’t end there. God has given to His church, those with the gift of leadership. But what does the gift of leadership look like?
All throughout the Bible there are a number of individuals who were gifted to lead, though at first they felt inferior. Two prime examples were Joseph and Joshua. Imagine where the church would be today if there were not those who had the gift of leadership. A person with the gift of leadership has these characteristics.