Spiritual Gifts: The Gift of Teaching

What are you doing with this one God given body that the Lord has given to you?. Our bodies are very significant from God’s vantage point. While there are many people who abuse their body and misuse their body, the Bible makes it clear that our bodies are the creative genius of Holy God. We can do things with our bodies that last for a season of time, or we can do things with our bodies that last for eternity. Our bodies are significant because God created us. They are significant because they are bought by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. They are significant because the very Holy Spirit of God lives inside of us. Imagine the holy reality…God Himself lives inside of you. He doesn’t come for a day or two and then leave us. He lives and resides in us. Our very body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, our bodies are extremely important. You may say, “My body is nothing to brag about!” But that is not the case at all. Your body houses the Spirit of Holy God. God yearns that we use our bodies for His glory. And in the church, God has given to each and every saint of God a gift. “Gifts” comes from the work “charismatic”.
Just as God designed our one body with many parts to function, work and do their part, so it is with the body of Christ. We may be many as far as individualism is concerned, but as the church we one body under the Lordship of Christ. Since God established His church, and saved those that would believe, He has gifted each of us. Why? Using our gifts brings glory to God, gives meaning to live, and advances the work of God. God has some prophecy (speaking for His truth with a sense of urgency), others He has given the gift of ministry (practical service and help to those in need). God so ordered ministry to be placed after prophecy because it is vital to the church. If practical service isn’t given in the church, imagine where the church would be. But God has also placed in His church those who have the gift of teaching. Notice that “teaching” is a gift. But what is involved in the gift of teaching?