The Father that God Can Bless

Dads, is your home characterized by the blessings of God? The reality is, each and every one of us desire the blessings of God in and upon our lives. We desire God’s blessings on our family, our children, and even our possessions. But let me ask you this question- does your life reveal a man in whom God can bless? Through the course of life, the reality is, our children look to us, and they gain their first impression of the Lord God, from their earthly fathers.
For God to be able to bless our lives as dads, there are certain character traits that must be a part of our lives- and when those character traits are a part of our lives- then He will move heaven and earth to bless our life. If there is one man that God could bless as a father, it was the man Abraham. Abraham wasn’t a perfect man, but he was a man in whom God could bless, because there were certain character traits about his life, that he allowed to be instilled in order to have an intimate walk with the Lord God.
Dads, the God that has created you, has created you to make a living, eternal difference in your home. He has created us, to be change agents in our home. He has created us to receive his blessings. But in order to receive His blessings these character traits must be a living reality in the heart of each man.