The Mother Every Child Needs

Would you consider your mothering/parenting a success? We want to be a success when it comes to our jobs, finances, goals that we set out to accomplish. No one enjoys or likes failure. It doesn’t change when it comes to the home. Every mother wants to be successful and watch her child grow up right and fulfill his or her dreams if there is an ounce of moral integrity in them.
The truth is God wants every mother to be a success and fathers as well. But often times we base the definition of success by what this world system has to say.
You can give your child the best of everything. Send you child to the best of schools. Take your child to the best church and your child can still turn sour. Why? Because we have a mistaken view of success.
In Proverbs 31, God gives us a glimpse of a King who talks about his mother’s teachings about all the areas of life. No doubt as King Lemuel looked back at his life he could see how his mother’s teachings had protected him in many areas of life. She was a successful mother? How do I know because she taught her son with absolute standards?