The Seven Sayings Of Christ From The Cross: “Woman, Behold Thy Son”

As Jesus was suspended between heaven and earth, on a cross designed for those committing the most heinous of crimes, He uttered seven statements, that carry with them eternal value and meaning. Three sayings from the cross are addressed to God and four were addressed to man.
The first saying, was a word of pardon and forgiveness for all that were crucifying Him. Second, was a word of paradise to the dying thief beside Jesus that believed in Him and had faith in the Son of God. Third, is a word of provision, found in John’s gospel, as Jesus would address Mary, the one who bore God incarnate, as He came into the world and became flesh! Though Christ was dying for the sin of all who would believe, He did not forget the woman that was used of God to bring Him into the world, in order that he could completely identify with mankind clothed with human flesh.