The Truth About Heaven

What do you know about heaven? Some wonder if “heaven” is a real place! Others think that heaven us just a mythological place to give people in their latter years of life hope and help. The truth is, there is One who knows about heaven, and speaks of heaven, because it is His home-it is the Lord God Almighty.
The Bible says that, “The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in heaven…” (Ps.11:4) While God doesn’t tell us everything about heaven in Scripture, He gives us enough glimpse into heaven, paradise, and the New Jerusalem to whet our appetite and to create in our hearts comfort during those times of loss.
While Scripture makes it clear that all people are not going to heaven, only the redeemed, God wants to comfort us, and encourage us to walk on faithfully until that time comes for us to be with Him in paradise. As a matter of fact, one of the last prayers of Jesus in John 17-18, is that “we would be with Him where He is.” Therefore, Jesus makes it crystal clear that the worlds that we have not seen real, literal, and eternal. Jesus himself said, “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt. 7:21).
The story in Luke 16:19ff, reveals the sobering truth from Jesus lips that two men can live and die and have totally different locations…one in torment…the other in paradise or heaven. But what does God have to say about heaven?