Waiting on the Lord, Part 1

Psalms 27:14
Have you ever been in a season in your life where you didn’t know what to do- so the only thing you could do was wait? Are you in a season of your life now where all you know to do is wait? When it comes to that one four letter word “wait” for most of us we are not very good at it. Our human nature desires to be taken care of quickly and immediately. We want don’t want to wait in line to long at the check out line. We don’t want to wait to long at the doctor’s office. We don’t want to wait too long when we are put on hold. We don’t want to wait to long at the gas pumps. The truth is our human nature is not prone to waiting very easily.
God always has a process in developing our lives, and one of the essential ingredients in developing our spiritual maturity involves that four letter word – the word “wait”. As a matter of fact the word “wait” is mentioned 106 times in the Bible in 101 verses. Because God is out to grow us, develop us, mature us, He does not do things in a hurry, but rather His development is slow. A brief glimpse through Scriptures reveals that God is in no hurry.