When You Choose to Give Thanks

Why in the world should we give thanks? After all, aren’t there many things in life that don’t appear good, and right? People are being abused, innocent lives are being hurt. We live in a world that is skyrocketing in crime, financial collapse, and all types of abuse toward the most innocent of our culture. Then why should we give thank? The truth is, from the very fall of Adam, mankind has been sinful and until the day the Lord concludes this world, mankind on the whole will live a sinful and wicked lifestyle, but be that as it may, that never alters the “life command” of God to our lives to give thanks.
Have you ever stopped to think that “practicing thanksgiving” is not for God’s benefit so much as it is our benefit. After all, God remains God, whether we give thanks or choose not to give thanks…God is God. If man lives in sin, or walks with God…God remains God. God’s nature will never alter one iota whether you give Him thanks or refuse to give Him thanks…He will remain eternally God.
Yet out of the overflow of God’s infinite love for us, He yearns that we practice thanksgiving. Not because everything is easy. Not because everything is enjoyable, but since He is God, He is completely aware of what happens to any man or woman when they practice for a lifestyle “giving thanks”.