Why We Miss God’s Best, Part 2

The God that has created us has not created us to live a life of meager existence, but rather He desires for His children life at its best. It was the heart’s desire for the children of Israel in the Old Testament to bless them and to lead them to the Promised Land. The Promised Land was described as a land “flowing with milk and honey”. God wanted to reveal to His people that He had nothing less for them than “His best”. Yet, the sad reality is, many of them missed it. They missed the blessings of God. They missed out on entering into the wonder and the joys that God had in store for them. They missed out on a land flowing with milk and honey. The sobering reality of this one life is this…we can be saved, have our name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and yet, miss out on the “best” that God has to offer us in a personal and intimate walk with Him. The reality in the lives of many saved individuals is that they know they will go to heaven when they die…but there is no real, personal, joy, and the experiencing of God’s best due to certain decisions they have allowed themselves to make through the course of time.