Winning the War Over Temptation: Why Take Up the Fight?

You look around you, and the world you find yourself living in is filled with one temptation after another. Just as quickly as you conquer one temptation, another temptation comes by your life. Thus, the story goes over and over all the days of our life on this earth. The fact is, as long as we are in this human body, there are going to be trials and especially temptations all throughout our earthly journey. It would be wonderful to say that there is a certain age that temptations discontinue, yet that is not the truth when it comes to the temptations of life. Therefore, since we face temptation after temptation in life, the question has been asked, “Why take up the fight?” After all doesn’t God love us and will He not forgive us when we sin. Yes, God does love us and He will forgive us when we sin. Yet, that
statement never alters for one moment the powerful pain that is accompanied with that person who refuses “to fight” when it comes to the temptations of life. Our Loving Heavenly Father wants us to learn the truth regarding temptation, and most of all He wants us to take our stand against the schemes of the devil…on order that we can live and enjoy this one God given life to it’s fullest.