We Forget

Exodus 16:3, “Oh that we were back in Egypt, they moaned, and that the Lord had killed us there! For there we had plenty to eat. But now you have brought us into the wilderness to kill us with starvation.”
The people of Israel had been marvelously rescued from a land of slavery, and a land of task masters. They had been delivered mightily through the Red Sea with walls of water standing on each side of them. They had seen the water flow back over the Egyptian Army and watched as God destroyed their enemies. You would think they would remember the goodnesses of God…but they didn’t. They forgot. The sobering reality of our fallen nature is that we forget when God comes through, and we do like Israel…wish for yesterday, yesteryear, and a time in the past. The God who saved us will never let us down. He didn’t build His home in us to move away. If you have misunderstandings about the ways of God, remind yourself afresh that you have a fallen nature, and are prone to forget to the goodnesses of God. He will never forget us nor guide us wrongly.