Rescue on the Way

Isaiah 56:1 (TLB) “Be just and fair to all,” the Lord God says. “Do what’s right and good, for I am coming soon to rescue you.
The call from our Lord is to watch our behavior daily. In the midst of a wicked and wild world it isn’t hard to be drawn in to all that is taking place. Yet, the reminder of our Lord is that we must check and evaluate our behavior on a daily basis. Because we don’t know when that day will be that the Lord “rescues” us up and out of this world. It even could be this very day. What a wonderful day that will be when we are taken up in the twinkling of an eye into the very presence of Jesus Christ Himself. His rescue will be like lightning from the east to the west. While we don’t know when that day of rescue will be…we have His Word that it will come suddenly. How do you want to be behaving if He comes this very day?