Children’s Ministries
Sunday School
We provide Bible Study through Sunday School for all ages on Sunday Morning at 10:00 AM. The following children’s classes meet weekly:
- Nursery (Babies – age 3)
- Preschool (ages 4-5)
- Children (ages 6-7)
- Children (ages 8-9)
- Preteen (ages 10-12)
On Wednesdays at 7 PM, we provide TeamKID, a wonderful back to the basick program of learning and growing in God’s Word. In many ways, TeamKID is a miniature version of VBS that your children may attend. We provide Preschool TeamKID, as well as TeamKID for grades 1-6.
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids is an exciting time for children to learn the Wonderful Word of God, and Bible verses in a way that is fun for all. Kingdom Kids meets in the fellowship during the Evening Worship at 6:00 PM.
Creative Ministry
Our Creative Ministry program provides an opportunity for children and youth to use their creative talents for God’s Glory. From interpretive signing to puppets, the group has a lot of fun.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is a wonderful week for children to learn the basics of the Bible through Bible studies, exciting and energetic music, crafts, refreshments, and games. Children who have a lot of energy will love VBS. VBS is fast paced and orients children to the Loving God who created them. At Faith, VBS week is one of the most exciting weeks in the life of the church. It is not only a wonderful time for children, but a great time for adults as well. VBS is held annually, usually in June or July.