Matthew 5:13, “…But if the salt has become tasteless, ow can it be made salty again? It is not longer good for anything…”
What a sobering picture our Lord paints before our lives regarding our saltiness. To understand this best is to understand the times in which Jesus spoke. The salt in Jesus’ time would have lost its effective purpose because dirt and other impurities were mixed with it . . . the result was uselessness. Our lives become useless when the dirt of the world and the impurities of the world become part of our life, thinking, actions, and internal belief system. The result is a useless testimony, character, and witness before a watching world, and most of all, a sobering judgment before the Lord Jesus Christ when we must appear before Him. Today, the world will try to rub its dirt and impurities onto your life, but stand holy, and clean, knowing that the God of all eternity is watching over your life and will properly reward you on that day of all days.