John 3:16, “For God so loved the word that He gave His only begotten Son….”
What do we have to do to be loved by the God of the universe? The answer . . . absolutely nothing. God’s holy nature is such that He loves us “unconditionally.” What does that mean? It means that His love for us isn’t based on behavior, promises, pledges, and actions. God loves us in spite of our actions, in spite of our behavior, and in spite of ourselves. Today, you are loved by the God of the universe, and that will never change. He loves you with an eternal love. He cares about every area of your life, and He wants for you greater than you can ever comprehend. Why? Because you are loved. Family may reject you, others turn against you, but God has always loved you. Why not place your faith and trust in the Person who loves you more than you can ever love yourself? Taste and really see that the Lord is good!