Romans 6:23 (TLB) For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
According to statistics, the average person lives between 79-84 years of life on this earth. That statistic is a sobering reminder that “death” is over each of our lives. While we spend little time thinking about it, the vast majority of our life is spent on the other side of eternity. With each passing day, we hear of famous men and women who died, and moved into their eternity. The glorious nature of the Lord Jesus is that He has an eternal gift to give us and that gift is….life…eternal life. No matter what you have done, how bad you have been, how much evil you believe you have committed, if you would bow your knee confessing your sins to the Lord Jesus Christ, there is wonderful, full, an complete forgiveness. God loves to give us what we don’t deserve. But why? All out of His overflow of love, and grace for mankind. His love compels Him to give to all who ask. Have you asked for God’s forgiveness of your sins? Have you bowed your knee to the Lord of glory? What a wonderful gift He has awaiting you, but like any gift, it must be received, it will never be forced upon you.