Job 42:2 (TLB) 2 “I know that you can do anything and that no one can stop you.The God that rules and runs the universe is an “non-stoppable” God. This may sound elementary, but when we pause and consider our God it ought to give us great trust and confidence. No person in the world dictates to the God of heaven. God is not awaiting a committee vote before He acts in His world. All the armies of all the world are mundane before the Sovereign God. He rules the world and no one stops Him. Man says many things, but cannot stop God. All mankind of all the earth of all time cannot begin to touch or alter the plans of Holy God. Job understood that the plans of God are unstoppable, and any wise person knows that as well. If you are redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, know this…our Father runs the world and there are no plans of His that can or will ever be altered. Our Father will have the final say, and all the say. He remains the Eternal God that runs His world, and that will not change.